Welcome to Land of Oz Dolls

Welcome to Land of Oz Dolls
Museum Quality Antique Reproduction Dolls by Connie Zink Land of Oz Dolls

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Holidays Are Fast Approaching!!

Good evening everyone, or I guess I should say good morning, it is after midnight. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. I know we did, we were able to spend time with family and friends during this holiday weekend. We have so much to be thankful for! Thanks again, to all the customers and friends from all over the world, who have helped us to rebuild our business, after  the devastating mold fire loss back in May. We are moving along well in rebuilding our mold inventories, and have so many great new dolls that we hope to share with you in the future. I spent last week finishing a new batch of Bleuette's and a Rosette. They are all getting ready for the Christmas holidays. I spent today setting up some Christmas vignettes and would love to share them with you right now. So please sit down with your morning cup of coffee or tea, relax a minute, and enjoy a "Bleuette Christmas 2012"!

I had so much fun setting up all these little vignette's today. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! After I finished all the Christmas scenes today I then took some photos of some Premiere Jumeau Bleuettes in their Mariner costumes but will save those photos for my next post. I am looking forward to a great week, with lot's of exciting new things to share with you soon. I have a lot of photos of my Polly Pratt's in costumes made by Andrea Hedgepath, to share with you. Andrea has made some of the "Mary Marie" costumes from the "Mary Francis Sewing Book" for Polly and her new brother "Peter". Those darling photos will be posted soon. Today, (Monday), I am starting to paint on one of my newest projects. I will be doing a Jumeau (16" tall) as a "Mary Marie" from the "Mary Francis Sewing Book" series. I can't wait to get started with that, but I guess I should sleep for a couple hours first. (It's now almost 2:00 am) I want to leave you with one last photo for this evening. This photo is courtesy of "House of Missy Mouse" and is the darling "Lettie Lane" I made for Melissa, all dressed up and ready to go to Grandma's house in the country for Thanksgiving! Thanks Melissa for the wonderful photo of "Lettie"

Well, I guess it is time to say good bye for now, I hope you all have a great week, and find some time to spend some quality dolly time!
Dolly Hugs Until Next Time,
Connie Zink

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween from Land of Oz Dolls!!!

Good evening everybody, it has been ages since I have been able to sit down and write to all of you. I have so many things to tell you about, it is hard to know where to start. First, I want to wish you all a Happy Halloween and share a lot of Halloween photos with you. The Bleuette's have had quite the Halloween party going on the last couple weeks and now Lettie Lane, Daisy, and Polly Pratt have decided to join in. If you noticed the new cover photo on the blog, that photo is compliments of "House of Missy Mouse". Many of you may remember my blog post about "Lettie Lane" many months ago, she was the Kestner 174 doll that I made to replicate the Lettie Lane paper doll series from the early 1900's. "Daisy" was the doll that was introduced by Ladies Home Journal in 1911 and "Polly Pratt" was also a paper doll introduced almost 100 years ago. My "Polly Pratt" was made from a "C" Steiner mold. I made all three of these dolls in the blog photo, along with a "Little Lettie" for "House of Missy Mouse" over the last 9 to 10 months. I have been graced with many photos I would like to share with you of the creative process of turning the paper doll Halloween costumes into costumes for these lovely dolls. Thanks Melissa, for allowing me to share these great costumes with all of you.
 Before I get started sharing photos, I would like to announce this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th is my annual Christmas Open House. It is being held in conjunction with the Great Route 64/84 Shop Hop and the MRVAD Art Drive. Land of Oz Dolls will be open 9-5 on Friday and Saturday and 10-5 on Sunday.
For complete "Shop Hop" info please go to:


For complete info on the MRVAD Art Drive please go to:


I will be writing more about the open house and including some pictures over the next few days. For now let's get to those Halloween photos! We will start out with some Halloween Bleuettes.

The Bleus and Friends say Happy Halloween

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ 301

Bruette and Cherie Limoge "Friends"

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ 301

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ301

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ 301

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ 301

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ 301

Bleuette "Silver" SFBJ 301

Bruette "Friend"

Bruette "Friend"

Bruette "Friend"

Bruette "Friend"

Cherie Limoge "Friend"

Cherie Limoge "Friend"

Cherie Limoge "Friend"

Cherie Limoge "Friend"
Now, here are the photos from "House of Missy Mouse".
Lettie, Daisy, and Polly

Now this is one of the cutest pictures I have seen in ages. This is Polly passing away the time waiting for Halloween by playing with her paper dolls. Thanks Melissa!
Polly with her paper dolls

Lettie Lane and Daisy
Daisy's Shoes
Daisy and her black cat
Daisy's Hat
Daisy's Hat and Shoes
Lettie Lane
Lettie's Black Cat
Lettie's Skirt with Black Cats
Lettie' Hat
Lettie's Skirt
Lettie and Dasiy
Illustration form original Lettie Lane Paper Dolls
Illustration from original Polly Pratt paper dolls
Little Lettie (Kestner 171)
Polly Pratt
Polly Pratt
Polly Pratt
Polly's Hat

Here are three Polly's I just finished yesterday. They are on their way to their new mamans tomorrow. I can't wait to see what costumes their mamans make for them!

Three Polly's

Well it is time to call it a night. Please watch for future postings this week with lots of exciting news!! Have a great week!!!

Dolly Hugs!
Connie Zink